Public Safety

Generally government authorities are involved in the prevention of and protection from events that could endanger the safety of the general public from significant danger, injury, or property damage, such as crimes or disasters (natural or human-made).​​​​
Emergency command centers (ECC) play a major role for supporting public safety nationwide, advanced call centers for public safety (police, fire brigade, and ambulance) services Leads to better and efficient response to citizens in need of help. ​​​​

Summit offers the latest solutions for the design, supply, implementation and operation support for ECCs to government concerned authorities up to the level of the standards applied in USA (911) , Europe ( 112) and UK ( 900) tailored to local urgent services e.g. (Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance) Summit provides also tailored solutions to suit public safety needs, these includes provision of automatic identification tools to analyze crime data and manage city operations. ​​
Our specialized solutions include:
Emergency contact centers
Advanced call taking & dispatching facilities
GIS location services for subjects & objects safety or resource management.
Automatic emergency vehicles tracking
Crisis Management and emergency operations.
Online handling & follow-up of small incidents up to major crises.